Panique chez les Crandell (Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead)
Titre allemand : Fast Food Family – Eine Wahnsinnsfamilie
Titre espagnol : No le digas a la mamá que la niñera ha muerto
Titre grec : Μην πείτε στη μαμά μου ότι η μπέιμπισίτερ τα τίναξε
Titre russe : Не говори маме, что няня умерла
Titre original : Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead
Titres alternatifs :
Don’t tell Mom the Babysitter’s dead | The Real World | Fast Food Family – Eine Familie zum Quietschen | Не звони маме, что нянька мертва | Min peite sti mama mou oti i baby sitter ta tinaxe | Μην πειτε στη μαμα μου οτη η μπαμπυ σιττερ τα τιναξε | Ne dites pas à maman que la gardienne mange des pissenlits par la racine
Comédie – États-Unis d’Amérique
Année de production : 1990
Durée du film : 125 minutes
Réalisateur : Stephen Herek
Livre : Neil Landau, Tara Ison
Caméra : Tim Suhrstedt
Musique : David Newman
Panique chez les Crandell
Description du film :
When Mrs. Crandell goes on a summer vacation to Australia, she leaves her 5 kids Sue Ellen, Kenny, Zach, Melissa, and Walter in the care of an elderly but cruel babysitter, Mrs. Sturak. When Mrs. Sturak dies, the kids load her body in a trunk and deposit the trunk on the front step of the local funeral home. The kids are ecstatic because they think that with the big wad of cash their mom has left behind, they can have a summer of consumer madness. But when they discover that the money has been buried with Mrs. Sturak, the kids have to fend for themselves to make ends meet. 17-year-old Sue Ellen tries working at a fast food restaurant, but she can’t stand the grease, so she puts together a false resume and, posing as a woman in her 20s, she applies for a job as a receptionist at a garment manufacturing company. The company’s vice president, Rose Lindsey, is so impressed by her resume that she hires her on the spot as her executive assistant. Her deception looks to be working out great – Sue Ellen manages to hold off the office lady killer Gus, avoids exposure by the embittered receptionist, borrows money from the company’s petty cash box for household incidentals, and continues a relationship with restaurant employee Bryan. But suddenly, the garment firm is set to go under, and Sue Ellen must use her teen fashion sense to save the company and her job, and she has to get her siblings involved.
Garçons acteurs
Robert Hy Gorman
(Walter Crandell)
Anniversaire : 03.04.1980

L’âge de l’acteur :
d’environ 10 ans
Christopher Pettiet
(Zach Crandell)
Anniversaire : 12.02.1976
Jour de décès : 12.04.2000
L’âge de l’acteur :
d’environ 14 ans
Plus d’informations
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